Monday, September 29, 2014

Leveraging the Interactivity of Social Media

Since the emergence of social media, communication between brands and consumers has changed.  Social media is the platform that gives consumers the power to take a story, image, or video and increase its reach tenfold.  It’s the platform for them to speak directly to the brands they love in real time and get a response.  It’s the platform for consumers to express their loyalty to a brand to their friends and family through shared posts and hashtags. 

Not all content leads to buzz-worthy sharing.  Many factors contribute to sharable content, even beyond the content itself.  The time of day, day of the week, length of post, and format (image, video, text) are all variables that impact how the content will be received.  When it comes to the content, the most sharable content is when it evokes certain emotions, like awe or anger.  Other viral content that is more interactive includes quizzes or lists.

Social platforms are also great for brands.  Marketers can engage their consumers with two-way dialogue.  They can use the social platform for crowdsourcing, taking consumer opinions and using the feedback to make improvements.  Consumers appreciate being heard and crowdsourcing is a great way for marketers to receive valuable insights from their customers.  Have you ever given feedback to a brand?  Chances are you only interact with brands you are passionate about and communicating with them through social media only makes the brand-consumer relationship stronger.

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